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Any student who is not seated in their assigned classroom by 7:30 a.m. for high school students or by 8:30
a.m. for middle school students will be marked “TARDY”. These students must report to the main office to
obtain a tardy slip. In order to minimize disruptions in the classroom, students that report late to school will
then report to Lockout where they will miss the first class of the day. According to the MDCPS Attendance Policy, there are no excused tardies. Tardies are counted cumulatively.
Excessive tardies will be monitored daily and result in the following:
1 – 3 tardies = Warning
4 – 6 tardies = Detention, Saturday School, or suspension
7+ tardies = Saturday school, outdoor suspension, referral to administrator
Mater Innovation Academy Administration reserves the right to assign disciplinary measures at their discretion
as they deem appropriate. Failure to attend detention and/or Saturday School may result in outdoor
Students granted an excused absence have the right to make up all coursework within three (3) school days
upon return to school. After successful completion of all make-up assignments, the student cannot be
academically penalized for that absence. The student will have to request the missed work from the teacher(s).
School Board Rule 6Gx13-5A-1.041, Student Attendance—Specific responsibilities.
If the assignment is not posted, the student must request the assignment; make-up assignments will be
provided within two days by the teacher for excused absences and the student will have 3-days to complete
it. It should be noted that failure to make up all assignments will result in lower assessment of the student’s
academic and/or effort grade.